Presenting: NAPA 2024
Same NAPA, Only Better
Our members take great pride in their work, and with good reason. The asphalt roads they build connect us, no matter where we live or what our reason for travel. We’ve spent decades sharing those stories in NAPA publications – through case studies, research reports, white papers, articles, and beyond.
Just like the tools producers, pavers, suppliers, and innovators use to construct and refine modern asphalt pavements, our tools are also evolving. When information moved online, we did too, establishing our website as a premier source for pavement news and information. Then we took elements of our work and channeled it into webinars, social media, and a podcast. Most recently, in partnership with XBE, we embraced artificial intelligence to make our vast archives readily accessible via Hey NAPA.
Since our inception, we have gone to great lengths to bring important research and timely updates to our membership. Over the years, that’s meant converting analog to digital, just like the control panels at mix plants. To meet new challenges and exceed the expectations of today’s membership, we continue to listen, respond, observe, and adapt. Thus, while we deeply honor our organizational history, 2024 ushers in a new era of engagement.
This special publication outlines the steps we’ve taken to understand and improve some of the ways you see, experience, and hear from NAPA. We’ve updated our identity (logo and branding) and reimagined our communications media (from our revered magazine to new platforms like a microsite).
It is a bold undertaking that we could not have achieved without your input, our Board’s support and approval, partners who leverage their expertise to elevate our offerings, and our own willingness to evolve and adapt.

We are proud to represent the asphalt pavement industry, to keep America moving, to take this exciting journey with you, and to serve you in new and improved ways. We invite you to explore these pages for details on all that’s in store for 2024…and beyond.
Introducing: NAPA Quarterly
- Explore unique projects.
- Discover product innovations and business insights.
- Provide leadership and professional development.
- Find solutions – in the stories and among our industry-focused advertisers.
- Follow NAPA’s strategic progress on behalf of the industry.
- Supplement your membership experience with profiles and interviews of peers, speakers, experts, and staff.
- Stay abreast of coalition organizations with updates in every issue.