NAPA News & Events

Callanan Cares and It Shows

Compassionate New York-based company earns NAPA’s highest award for community involvement


Callanan Industries of Albany, New York is not only known for its quality products, but also its community involvement.

The company’s wide portfolio of projects, initiatives and causes allows it to engage with groups and organizations representing residents across the area.

Because employees at all levels are free to brainstorm community involvement ideas, workers have personal connections to the causes Callanan supports and are even more inclined to get involved.

Callanan President Don Fane has a passion for giving back and he encourages his employees to as well. One of Callanan’s core values is “building better communities by improving the quality of life where we work and live.”

Callanan has demonstrated this commitment through Callanan Cares, programming that manages its fundraisers, donations and volunteer efforts.

Included in those efforts are projects like spring and fall clean-ups at the pollinator garden near Callanan’s Cordell Road plant. Workers weed, mulch, and prune the garden each year to meet the Wildlife Habitat Council’s specifications to maintain the garden’s status as a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Employees also planted a dozen trees at the South Bethlehem Quarry to mark Arbor Day.

Callanan makes a point of throwing open its doors to anyone interested in learning about its work, including plant tours for government representatives. The team makes stops at dozens of trade shows, career fairs, and more, while hosting field trips for schoolchildren of all ages.

Callanan and its employees annually support a local cancer foundation through Ride With Mike, a fundraiser named for Callanan Superintendent and two-time lymphoma survivor Mike Walsh. The motorcycle and sports car procession in 2022 raised $12,000.

Employees also raise money for Rett Syndrome research, walk for breast cancer, bowl with Veterans, and host blood drives.

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