TRB plans asphalt carbon footprint webinar for Aug. 6
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) will host a webinar on Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 1 p.m. ET that will share actionable strategies for agencies, contractors, and industry stakeholders aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for asphalt and pavement production.
The webinar, Day-to-Day Practices to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Asphalt, is sponsored by TRB’s Standing Technical Committee on Asphalt Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation. Registration is free for employees of TRB sponsors as well as Titanium and Cobalt Global Affiliates. The registration rate for all other attendees is $100.
Register today.
This webinar is a follow-on to the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting Session 3016: Day-to-Day Practices to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Asphalt.
Presenters include Greg Renegar of Astec Industries, Inc., Cheng Ling of Pike Industries, Brian Diefenderfer with the Virginia Transportation Research Council, and Ben Bowers of Auburn University. Following the presentations, there will be 30 minutes reserved for audience questions.
Pre-registration is required. Once the webinar starts, you will be unable to register.
View TRB’s FAQ page for more information. Registration questions? Contact the TRB webinar program.