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Sparked by Infrastructure EO, NAPA Acts to Clarify and Advance Industry Priorities

Photo via @TheWhiteHouse

Since his inauguration Monday, President Donald Trump has signed several Executive Orders (EOs) spanning various campaign promises. One such EO addressed infrastructure spending and discretionary programs under both the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The EO generated confusion that reimbursements from FHWA to State DOTs may be impacted or altogether paused. Thankfully, that confusion has since been clarified.

“The new Administration has expressed its desire to reexamine spending and discretionary programs, and we are seeing that unfold now through myriad Executive Orders,” said NAPA Vice President for Government Affairs Nile Elam. “For our industry, that looks like urgency to roll back expenditures in IIJA and IRA — for example, federal funds for EV charging stations — resulting in some confusion or misinterpretation about exactly which programs may be affected based solely on the wording, and without the benefit of easily interpreting how implementation may be impacted.”

He added, “NAPA is actively working to ensure that formula funding remains intact — and it’s now clear that it will — while any programs benefitting asphalt producers are protected.”

In seeking clarity on infrastructure spending, NAPA’s GA team is working with DOT transition staff and Hill staff regarding the focus of this EO and what the Trump Administration seeks to achieve within infrastructure policy and funding. We will continue to follow developments and potential future EOs that may impact asphalt producers. Conversations will continue as NAPA advances its priorities for the 119th Congress and key highway reauthorization with Hill allies. 

House T&I Committee Chairman Sam Graves

NAPA’s GA team will speak extensively on this topic at our 2025 Annual Meeting with House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves, who will join our Legislative Committee Update. See the schedule for details or registered attendees can download the NAPA Events app for the most current meeting information.

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