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Seeking & Offering Help After the Hurricane

New: Member-to-Member Disaster Assistance Pilot Project

New: Member-to-Member Disaster Assistance Pilot Project

The asphalt pavement industry deeply cares about the communities we serve – and each other. At all times, but especially during times of need, NAPA Members stand ready to lend a hand, equipment, or supplies to help one another. Right now, that includes communities from North Carolina to Florida weathering the aftermath of recent hurricanes.

To support NAPA Members in these communities, we’re launching a pilot project to help members impacted by disasters connect with members who want to help.

member to member logo

This program leverages the NAPA website – specifically, AsphaltPavement.org/Help – as a central place for affected members to request aid (parts, equipment, diapers, water – whatever is needed), and for other members to view those requests and reach out directly to offer assistance if they can. The program is available to NAPA Members only.

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