Engage with NAPA this fall
NAPA members are beginning to see the end of the 2024 paving season drawing near, meaning fall deadlines are approaching for a handful of programs.
Get recognized for excellent work
Applications for Quality in Construction (QIC) Awards can be submitted through Oct. 31.
QIC Awards recognize excellence in asphalt paving in three tiers:
- Projects using less than 50,000 tons of asphalt. The top 10 highest scoring projects earn an acclaimed Larry H. Lemon Award.
- Projects using more than 50,000 tons of asphalt. The following year, the highest scoring highway projects move to the semi-finalist stage of the Sheldon G. Hayes Award. The award is bestowed based on stringent international roughness index (IRI) testing and a thorough site visit.
- Airport pavement projects. The highest scoring airport earns a coveted Ray Brown Award.
Getting help to where it’s needed
NAPA is leveraging its website to help connect disaster-stricken members in need with members who want to help.
Check out the Member-to-Member Disaster Assistance member exchange to submit a request for assistance or to view requests you may be able to help with. This self-service exchange is a pilot program introduced this year at the request of members.

Meet us in Maui
NAPA’s Annual Meeting heads to island of Maui Feb. 2 to 5. Join other NAPA members at the world-renowned Grand Wailea, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, for thought leadership, collaboration, and celebration of excellence in the asphalt pavement industry.
Register to attend the 2025 NAPA Annual Meeting in Maui through Nov. 30 to save. Rates increase Dec. 1.
Assist NAPA with research

NAPA is once again working with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to gauge the use of recycled materials in asphalt mixes, as well as the prevalence of warm-mix asphalt in the industry.
NAPA collected data in 2022 that showed 93 percent of asphalt mixture was used to construct new pavements, with the remainder going toward other civil construction applications. Access the 2022 report here.

Get educated on airfields
NAPA Director of Pavement Engineering & Innovation Jean-Paul Fort will moderate a three-part series of webinars on airfield paving starting Nov. 15:
Part 1 Navigating Pre-Bid, Production, & Construction Challenges Nov. 15, 12:30 p.m. ET.
Part 2 Navigating Post-Bid, Pre-Production, and Construction Challenges Nov. 18, 12:30 p.m. ET.
Part 3 Navigating Prebid, Production, and Construction Challenges Nov. 20, 12:30 p.m. ET.
Register for all three webinars and receive email reminders about the schedule.
Guide asphalt pavement research
NAPA is seeking applicants for its inaugural fellowship aimed at empowering professors and post-doctoral researchers in asphalt pavement while stimulating innovative research and development across the industry. Applications are due no later than Dec. 1.
Learn more about the NAPA Fellows.
Support the workforce of the future
Support the NAPA Research & Education Foundation Road Scholars program, which financially supports graduate students studying asphalt-related subjects through Auburn University’s National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT).
Help NAPA achieve its goal of raising $3 million for this cause by making an instant donation online now via credit card, up to $15,000. Or, pledge your support in any amount, up to $100,000+, and choose to spread payments over 1 to 5 years.